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5 Views · 2 months ago

A tutorial on how to create dynamic charts in Google Sheets using the data validation method and vlookup formulas.

8 Views · 2 months ago

Learn how to modify all aspects of your charts in this advanced Google Sheets tutorial. This tutorial covers Data Labels, Legends, Axis Changes, Axis Labels, Secondary Axis, Filter, Multiple Series, Compare Mode, Aggregate Columns & Rows, Gridlines, Trendlines and Much More.

5 Views · 2 months ago

How to calculate 7 descriptive statistics using Google Sheets is demonstrated in this quick video.

The Three Minute Tuesday video series by RILLIAN, a consulting agency, briefly cover topics in approximately 3 minutes or less.

These videos are geared towards anyone working in or interested in work involving Research & Insights Leading to Learning, Innovation, And actioN (R.I.L.L.I.A.N.).

To learn more visit https://www.rillianconsulting.com

Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rillian

#GoogleSheets #descriptivestatistics #dataconsulting #howtocalculatedescriptivestatisticsinGoogleSheets #calculatingthemean #calculatingtheaverage #calculatingthemedian #calculatingthemode #calculatingtherange #calculatingthestandarddeviation #calculatingtheCV #calculatingZscore

3 Views · 2 months ago

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Marker 1

5 Views · 2 months ago

Created with TechSmith Snagit for Google Chrome™

6 Views · 2 months ago

Herzlich Willkommen zurück! In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie du die Binomialverteilung in Google Sheets berechnen kannst.

Leo Office Tutorials - Docs - Sheets - Slides - Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Apps Script

0:00 Begrüßung & Intro
0:33 Beispieltabelle
2:30 Binomialverteilung
3:11 Kummuliert
4:20 Weitere Beispiele
5:18 Fazit & Schluss

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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LeoTutorials
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/leo_officetutorials
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@leoofficetutorials
LINKEDIN: https://bit.ly/3EdhzEZ
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/3Ecqw1t

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Meine Playlist!
Alle Tutorials: https://bit.ly/3bxPVUm
Google Docs: https://bit.ly/2wJq9h1
Google Sheets: https://bit.ly/2vP3gbo
Apps Script: https://bit.ly/3wcRDV8
Google Slides: https://bit.ly/2Jvq6IB
Word Online: https://bit.ly/3aqGB4c
Excel Online: https://bit.ly/3bw0xD6
Power Point Online: https://bit.ly/2KIs6Ry
Word: https://bit.ly/3408AFP

Meine YouTube Shorts: https://bit.ly/3dZgRAv

Word Online: https://www.office.com/launch/word
Excel Online: https://www.office.com/launch/excel
PowerPoint Online: https://www.office.com/launch/powerpoint

Google Docs: https://docs.google.com
Google Sheets: https://sheets.google.com
Google Slides: https://slides.google.com

Für Vorschläge oder Videowünsche schreibt mir bitte auf Instagram.

Intro Musik: Cat Shat in the Box - josh pan

Endcard Musik: JPB & MYRNE - Feels Right (ft. Yung Fusion)

Kanal: https://youtube.com/Leoofficetutorials

#sheets #googlesheets

5 Views · 2 months ago

This short video shows you how to add a trend line to a chart in Google Sheets and also how to forecast the date at which you would reach a daily spending goal based on actual historical data.

You can find me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/davidresau

How to add a trendline in google sheets
=FORECAST.LINEAR(Empty Date Cell, Spend Y-Axis, Date X-Axis)

Date, Spend, Goal

If you thought this video was useful, please like, share, and subscribe.

#googlesheets #trendline #forecastfunction

4 Views · 2 months ago

// Liniendiagramm mit 2 Linien in Google Tabellen erstellen //

Zwei Datenreihen abzubilden, die beispielsweise einem zeitlichen Verlauf folgen, funktioniert u.a. mit einem Liniendiagramm. Wie man ein Liniendiagramm mit 2 Linien in Google Tabellen erstellt und formatiert, zeige ich an einem Umsatz/Gewinn-Beispiel.

Bei Fragen und Anregungen zu Liniendiagramm mit 2 Linien in Google Tabellen erstellen, nutzt bitte die Kommentarfunktion. Ob ihr das Video hilfreich fandet, entscheidet ihr mit einem Daumen nach oben oder unten. #statistikampc

⭐Kanalmitglied⭐ werden:

Zeitstempel ⏰
0:00 Einleitung und Ausgangssituation
0:15 Daten auswählen
0:28 Diagramm einfügen
0:40 Diagrammtyp ändern
0:55 Diagramm anpassen - Titel
1:09 Diagramm anpassen - Schriftarten und Hintergrundfarbe ändern
1:26 Diagramm anpassen - Linien glätten
1:35 Linien anpassen - Linienart, Deckkraft
2:13 Linien anpassen - Datenpunkte und -labels einfügen und formatieren
3:51 Achsen skalieren

Kanal unterstützen? 🙌🏼
Paypal-Spende: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/BjoernWalther/5
Amazon Affiliate-Link: http://amzn.to/2iBFeG9

Danke für eure Unterstützung! ♥

3 Views · 2 months ago

Learn how to calculate Sample & Population Standard Deviation, Variance & Average Deviation in Google Sheets using STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, AVEDEV Statistical Functions and understand exactly what these functions do.

Google Sheets

Company Page

2 Views · 2 months ago

A demonstration of how to use Google Sheets to calcuate basic descriptive statistics for a data set

0 Views · 2 months ago

Combining the INDEX and MATCH functions into one formula gives a powerful function that tops the VLOOKUP function. In this video, I will break this process into three easy steps to build the complete formula.

If you're looking to extract data from a large dataset to summarise your metrics, you will either need the VLOOKUP or the INDEX and MATCH functions.

Check out this introduction video into the VLOOKUP function in Google Sheets https://youtu.be/ZEm6GYsK6lo

I also have this full tutorial on how to return multiple columns using the VLOOKUP Function at Spreadsheet Wise https://bit.ly/multiple-columns-vlookup

Here is a video on returning multiple columns with the VLOOKUP function: https://youtu.be/DxwCv_oCz1Q

You might also like to check out the dropdown chips used in this video here: https://youtu.be/Nw_M_OUgNck

For more videos and/or to subscribe, check out this link


00:26 - Introduction
00:51 - The three steps of INDEX & MATCH
01:04 - INDEX
01:47 - MATCH Row
02:24 - MATCH Column
02:48 - INDEX & MATCH Combined
04:23 - Dynamic Dropdown Chips with INDEX & MATCH

Social Channels

#indexmatch #Index #Match #GoogleSheetsVlookup #vlookup #vlookupformula #vlookupfunction #dropdown #dropdownlist #Spreadsheet #GoogleSheetsTipsAndTricks #GoogleSheetsHacks #googlesheets #googlesheetstutorial #Spreadsheetwise

1 Views · 2 months ago

Herzlich Willkommen zurück! In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie du in Google Sheets den Binomialkoeffizient berechnen kannst.

Leo Office Tutorials - Docs - Sheets - Slides - Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Apps Script

Artikel zum Video: https://leoofficetutorials.com/sheets/2024/587

0:00 Begrüßung & Intro
0:28 Binomialkoeffizient berechnen
1:15 Benannte Funktion erstellen
3:05 COMBINA vs. Kombinationen Funktion
4:30 Fazit & Schluss

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INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/leo_officetutorials
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@leoofficetutorials
LINKEDIN: https://bit.ly/3EdhzEZ
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/3Ecqw1t

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Meine Playlist!
Alle Tutorials: https://bit.ly/3bxPVUm
Google Docs: https://bit.ly/2wJq9h1
Google Sheets: https://bit.ly/2vP3gbo
Apps Script: https://bit.ly/3wcRDV8
Google Slides: https://bit.ly/2Jvq6IB
Word Online: https://bit.ly/3aqGB4c
Excel Online: https://bit.ly/3bw0xD6
Power Point Online: https://bit.ly/2KIs6Ry
Word: https://bit.ly/3408AFP

Meine YouTube Shorts: https://bit.ly/3dZgRAv

Word Online: https://www.office.com/launch/word
Excel Online: https://www.office.com/launch/excel
PowerPoint Online: https://www.office.com/launch/powerpoint

Google Docs: https://docs.google.com
Google Sheets: https://sheets.google.com
Google Slides: https://slides.google.com

Für Vorschläge oder Videowünsche schreibt mir bitte auf Instagram.

Intro Musik: Cat Shat in the Box - josh pan

Endcard Musik: JPB & MYRNE - Feels Right (ft. Yung Fusion)

Kanal: https://youtube.com/Leoofficetutorials

#tutorial #googlesheets #sheets #statistik

1 Views · 2 months ago

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In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a pie chart in Google Sheets. Specifically, how to create a chart with percentage labels. I'll also show you how to modify the appearance of the pie chart, such as changing the labels and pie slice colours. Lastly, I will show you how to export your pie chart as an image.

📖 Video chapters
00:00 Intro
00:24 How to create a pie chart
01:52 Customising the pie chart appearance
03:54 How to export the pie chart (as an image)
04:49 Outro

📺 Other tutorials you will love
Create a pie chart in Excel: https://youtu.be/0WNJkBXywMU

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2 Views · 2 months ago

Wir haben eine Tabelle aus Rohdaten gegeben, aus denen wir nicht direkt das gewünschte Kerzendiagramm/Box Plot erstellen können.

2 Views · 2 months ago

Herzlich Willkommen zurück! In diesem Video zeige ich dir die Spaltenstatisitken für deine Tabellen in Google Sheets.

Leo Office Tutorials - Docs - Sheets - Slides - Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Apps Script

Artikel zum Video: https://leoofficetutorials.com/sheets/452

0:00 Begrüßung & Intro
0:25 Spaltenstatistik
6:25 Fazit & Schluss

Hat dir das Video gefallen? Zeige es mir mit einem Like!

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LeoTutorials
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/leo_officetutorials
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@leoofficetutorials
LINKEDIN: https://bit.ly/3EdhzEZ
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/3Ecqw1t

Abonnieren nicht vergessen ;)

Hast du Fragen? Ab damit in die Kommentare!

Meine Playlist!
Alle Tutorials: https://bit.ly/3bxPVUm
Google Docs: https://bit.ly/2wJq9h1
Google Sheets: https://bit.ly/2vP3gbo
Apps Script: https://bit.ly/3wcRDV8
Google Slides: https://bit.ly/2Jvq6IB
Word Online: https://bit.ly/3aqGB4c
Excel Online: https://bit.ly/3bw0xD6
Power Point Online: https://bit.ly/2KIs6Ry
Word: https://bit.ly/3408AFP

Meine YouTube Shorts: https://bit.ly/3dZgRAv

Word Online: https://www.office.com/launch/word
Excel Online: https://www.office.com/launch/excel
PowerPoint Online: https://www.office.com/launch/powerpoint

Google Docs: https://docs.google.com
Google Sheets: https://sheets.google.com
Google Slides: https://slides.google.com

Für Vorschläge oder Videowünsche schreibt mir bitte auf Instagram.

Intro Musik: Cat Shat in the Box - josh pan

Endcard Musik: JPB & MYRNE - Feels Right (ft. Yung Fusion)

Kanal: https://youtube.com/Leoofficetutorials

#sheets #googlesheets #tutorial

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