Sub Category
Operation on Function: Difference ||General Mathematics
#mathematicstutorial #precalculus
#statistics #probability #statisticsandprobability
#precalculus #circle #conicsection
Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of the Probability Distribution
#Probability and Statistics
#sum #general mathematics #OperationOnFunction
Rules in Solving Rational Inequality
1. Write the inequality with a single rational expression on the left-hand side of the inequality and zero on the right-hand side of the inequality.
2. Determine the meaningful numbers by setting the numerator and denominator equal to zero. Then test the meaningful numbers if they make the inequality true or false..
3. Use the meaningful numbers to seperate the number line into intervals.
4. Get the values in each interval and substitute these to the given inequality. If the test makes the inequality true, then the entire interval is a solution. If the test values makes the inequality false, then the entire interval is not a solution.
5. Express the answer in interval notation.
#simple interest
#mathematicstutorial #mathreview
mathematics tutorial
#rational equations