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All about North Korea for Kids | Learn about the history of North Korea

2 Views • 02/01/24
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North Korea is one of the most isolated and closed off countries in the world. Its official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The country is roughly the size of the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. And its total population is estimated to be around 25 million people. In All about North Korea for Kids, you will learn a lot more about this country, even though it's not easy to visit.

The government in North Korea is communist, meaning that it controls the lives of most of its citizens, even down to people's haircut! There are only 28 approved haircuts, so every citizen must choose from that list which hair style they want. Citizens can also be arrested for watching certain movies or practicing certain religions. They are also not allowed to talk about ideas that go against the government.

The government also controls the media and news. Propaganda, or news that makes the country look good, is common in the country, and there is no internet access. In fact, most North Koreans have never even seen a computer. Additionally, few people are allowed to leave the country, and only a few people are allowed to visit. Those individuals can only see approved parts of North Korea and are watched closely.

When Japan lost the war in World War II, the Soviets gained control of northern half of the Korean peninsula, so North Korea became a communist country. The Americans controlled the southern half, so South Korea became a democratic country. When the Soviets left in 1948, many conflicts between the two Korean countries arose. After a resulting Korean war, the same family has maintained control of North Korea and kept it isolated from the world.

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What you will learn in All about North Korea for Kids:
0:00 Introduction to the isolated country of North Korea
0:22 Geography of North Korea
1:32 Landscape and three main regions
2:56 Mineral resources and energy sources
3:22 Communist government and North Korean law
4:08 Unique ways North Korea is different from others
5:02 Why North Korea is closed off from the world
6:19 After Soviets left North Korea
7:13 Interesting landmarks and attractions
8:07 Review of the facts

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