Global Conveyor belt-Ocean Currents caused by temperature and Salinity
Global conveyor belt and thermohaline ocean currents. The ocean has waves and currents. I think of currents as rivers of water in water.
Because cold water is denser than warm water, the cold water sinks below warm water. Water with a higher salinity has a greater density than less salty water. As a result, currents can be created in the ocean.
The global conveyor belt is a series of ocean currents that snake around the world. They are called thermohaline currents because they are the result of changes in temperature and salinity.
The base of the world’s food chain depends on the
cool, nutrient-rich waters that support the growth of algae and seaweed.
Animation of the Oceanic Conveyor Belt
Title: Thermohaline Circulation using Improved Flow Field.ogv
Author: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Date: 14 November 2011
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