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Months of the year | 12 Month Name | January February | Months Name for Kids

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Months of the year | 12 Month Name | January February | Months Name for Kids

Learn the 12 Months of the Year. A year is divided into 12 months learning about the 12 months of the year will help the little ones understand more lengthy periods of time.
A month is a unit of time, used with calendars

Month 1 - January - जनवरी
Month 2 - February - फरवरी
Month 3 - March - मार्च
Month 4 - April - अप्रैल
Month 5 - May - मई
Month 6 - June - जून
Month 7 - July - जुलाई
Month 8 - August - अगस्त
Month 9 - September - सितंबर
Month 10 - October - अक्टूबर
Month 11 - November - नवंबर
Month 12 - December - दिसंबर

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