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Mortensen Math China, Basic Math Show! Montessori k-12 Kindergarten Homeshool preschool Kids video

9 Views· 03/16/24
5 Subscribers
In Math

Mortensen Math China, iLuvMath, The Math Network is a curriculum that makes any student of any age LOVE math. We have been around for 30 years. A Bergamo Italy trained Montessori teacher developed this "all senses" approach. He began teaching SIX YEAR OLDS Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry. They learned what was always seen as "advanced [math] disciplines AS EASILY AS ARITHMETIC. Whether you are 6 or 16, 26 or 56, 76 or 106 - YOU TOO WILL LOVE math if you experience it this way. Ben Rogers, aka Crewton Ramone presents one of our BEST VIDEOS yet!

Ben presents all the Basic Operations of Arithmetic - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Algebra. This is a "pot pourri" of all areas of Arithmetic and introductory level Algebra & Problem Solving. Mortensen Math was ahead of its time when we were among only a handful of programs using Manipulatives. Now, 30 years later almost everyone is using manipulatives in one way or another to teach math. Our curriculum is still completely unique however. Mortensen was awarded multiple patents for unique methodology and materials.

Ben, an early "discoverer" of Mortensen Math - is a Master Trainer and Tutor, who has taught Mortensen Math for over 20 years.

Ben demonstrates the use of the Montessori inspired "Three Period Lesson."

Ben demonstrates how easily even a 6 year old can learn to do Polynomial Algebraic Expressions.

Mortensen Math DECODES the language and various "dialects" of math and "isolates the difficulty" to learn advanced concepts.

Mission Statement
THE MISSION OF MORTENSEN MATH is to CHANGE the way students are taught. To help any student become an ACHIEVER, a BELIEVER in herself and himself.  THE DIFFERENCE MORTENSEN MATH CAN MAKE:  Students leave the "system" WITH THEIR DIGNITY INTACT.  Students receive the GIFT of CHOICE.  No one need be held back by a lack of confidence in math skills, causing avoidance of careers based on FEAR of math.  Students now have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE based on their STRENGTHS in math to become Economists, Engineers, Robotics Developers, Astronauts, Scientists, TEACHERS, or even President!

URL References

VIEW MANY MORE Videos/Tutorials: Mortensen Math, JazzMath, iLuvMath.com, myMathChannel.tv, TheMathNetwork.tv

Visit Ben Rogers, Master Trainer, Teacher, Tutor for over 20 years using Mortensen Math on Maui HI and around the world:

View online conversations about MORTENSEN MATH:


CONTACT: 800+4plus4=8! [800-475-8748]
Email Customer Service:
E1: JazzMath.DonnaW@me.com
E2: TheMathNetwork.Q@gmx.com
Web: http://www.mortensenmathdirect.com

TRADEMARKS & DOMAINS: Mortensen Math, VJMCO, iLuvMath, TheMathNetwork, COUNT29, RNumbers, NannyNumbers, NummyNumbers, mykidsmath, L1-L12math, teachersmanuals, mathsciences, mathmanuals, teachmath, learnmath, mathQ, mathWHQ, mathnet, are all Exclusive Trademarks and/or Domains belonging to iLuvMath.com LLC, iLuvMath.tv LLC.
Copyright 1981 - 2011 recurring Mortensen Math, VJMCO, iLuvMath.com, TheMathNetwork.tv World Headquarters, in association with ReaLLoveSong Media, Hollywood, CA

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