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Syntax: What's age appropriate and what skills are high priority K-12?

7 Views· 08/17/24
5 Subscribers

...Tell which students are likely to struggle with OTHER language skills.

...Boost your students’ high-level comprehension and expression (especially if they haven’t responded to comprehension strategy instruction.

...Easily write language therapy goals that are both functional AND easy to track.

When you listen, you’ll also learn why you can’t find a school-age language developmental milestones chart, and what to use instead to focus language therapy.

For more information on how to target syntax, download our Ultimate Guide to Syntax here: https://drkarenspeech.lpages.c....o/ultimate-guide-to-

To read the research review I mentioned in the video, visit this post here: https://drkarenspeech.com/synt....actic-development-sc

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