Language Arts

16 Views · 8 months ago

2012 Training. THE TRAINING MANUAL FOR THIS COURSE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. For current Logic of English training options, see

Section 5.2 - Vowels, CK Phonogram, and Spelling Dictation

This free reading and spelling teaching course is a full day training for teachers and parents who desire to improve students’ language arts skills. This course is ideal for K-12 teachers, early childhood professionals, parents, ESL teachers, content teachers who desire to learn more about integrating reading instruction across the curriculum, and anyone who desires to learn more about multi-sensory, systematic phonics instruction.

You can view the rest of this course at

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34 Views · 8 months ago

Many of California’s K–12 students are English Learners. Some have been in US schools since kindergarten, while others are new to US schools and may be refugees or unaccompanied minors. Laura Hill, a senior research fellow at PPIC, and Megan Hopkins, an assistant professor of education studies at the University of California, San Diego, summarize new research on academic progress among English Learners in middle school and high school and the factors associated with their successes and struggles.

14 Views · 8 months ago

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) call for increasing levels of text complexity across grade levels, to ensure that students become proficient with college and career texts by their high school graduation. In the first of a two-part series, Dr. Elfrieda (Freddy) Hiebert will discuss why vocabulary is a primary means of increasing English Language Learners' capacity with complex text, in addition to discussing how instruction in particular types of vocabulary (e.g., picturable & compound words) can lay a foundation for reading many complex texts. In Dr. Hiebert's second session, she will provide lessons and guidance for teaching the vocabulary of individual texts.

Note: Participants are asked to read Text Complexity and English Learners: Building Vocabulary before the webinars.

To download the presentation slides:

15 Views · 8 months ago

This is a replay of Education Week's webinar, "English-Learners and the Common Core: New Instructional Strategies." Veteran teachers Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski offer guidance on integrating the common-core standards into ELL instruction. ____________________

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Education Week is America’s most trusted source of independent K-12 education news, analysis, and opinion. Our work serves to raise the level of understanding and discourse about education among school and district leaders, policymakers, researchers, teachers, and the public. Published by the nonprofit organization Editorial Projects in Education, Education Week has been providing award-winning coverage of the field for over 35 years.

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7 Views · 8 months ago

Join us for a discussion about diverse learners in K-12 schools. Listen in as our Education Solution Specialist, Theresa Goodlett hosts a discussion with ESL teacher Erin Sivek from Milwaukee Public Schools regarding her English learning program and experiences at Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language.

Erin will talk about her challenges and triumphs with her English learning program, including:

Classroom approach and strategies for English learners.
How EL students are assessed and how to respond to the needs of students.
The approach to blended learning in the classroom.
We will also be exploring Fuel Education’s supplemental blended instructional curriculum developed by their partner, Middlebury Interactive Languages, which allows students in grades 4–8 to learn the fundamentals of academic English while completing projects that relate to English language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science.

30 Views · 8 months ago

Improve your students' reading and writing skills by introducing them to a variety of synonyms with the synonyms list chart. This poster features an alphabetical list of commonly used words and their synonyms.

Use this chart with students in grades three through six to improve their vocabulary. An improved vocabulary will help increase reading fluency, word recognition, and diction. This poster comes with reproducible sheets, activities, and teaching tips on the back. The 17" x 22" size ensures that students will be able to see the poster from their desks or tables.

The chart from Trend Enterprises can also be used as a great starting point to discuss connotation and denotation with your upper elementary students. You can use it with student writing by asking them to use synonyms for often repeated words in their writing. When students become familiar with the chart, it can be used as background knowledge to teach students about using a thesaurus.

Specifications for the synonyms words poster:

Dimensions: 17" x 22"
Synonyms listed in alphabetical order
Reproducible sheets, activities, and teacher tips on back
Suggested grade range: 3rd to 6th
Suggested ages: 8 to 11

11 Views · 8 months ago

Test for the 6th Grade Vocabulary part 3 word list in English. Definitions appear and are read aloud. Breaks in the video with a PAUSE button allow the student enough time to react to each definition. Kids will love the interesting format and the less stressful learning. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____
_____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted every Tuesday. _____ _________________
_____ 6th Grade English Vocabulary Test on the Part 3 word list in the online public school classroom
_____ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel.


7 Views · 8 months ago

Part 3 in our series of webinar for K12 teachers!

For more content like this visit our dedicated K12 website:​

12 Views · 8 months ago

Listen in to how 2nd-grade educator, Erika Slobodnick, implements these free early literacy lessons with her elementary students.

Throughout the program’s 15 games, students will enjoy a silly “save-the-world” storyline while receiving consistent, timely feedback on their budding early literacy skills. Acting as the commander of a rag-tag group of superheroes called the WORD Force, K-2 students develop a foundation in key reading skills by leveling-up through fun and impactful literacy games.

Lessons include: Beginning and Ending Sounds, Rhyming, Letter Sounds, Spelling, Phonemic Awareness and Vocabulary, and are aligned with Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and State-Based English Language Arts Standards.

Learn more at:
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Follow EVERFI K-12 across all social media platforms:

#earlyliteracy #learningtoread #literacy #elementaryteacher #everfik12 #lettersounds #phonemicawareness #readingskills

9 Views · 8 months ago

4th Grade Vocabulary Part 3 is the third video in the series that provides students with words to expand their vocabulary. Lessons are formatted to provide easy learning. Each video in this series will create an atmosphere conducive to remembering the material presented.

Please visit our channel and Subscribe. New videos posted every Tuesday.

Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel!


2 Views · 8 months ago

Review the 12th grade Part 1 English Vocabulary word list ( ) several times and write the words as a study aid. Then test your knowledge with this Vocabulary TEST. Words in English are pronounced, spelled, and defined. Kids will love the interesting format and variety of backgrounds. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____ ____________________________________________________________________
_____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted every Tuesday. _____ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __
12th Grade English Vocabulary Part 1 TEST ___________________________________________________________________________
__ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel. ___________________________________________________________________________ _____

Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel link above.

6 Views · 8 months ago

5th Grade Vocabulary words in English pronounced, spelled, and defined. Simple definitions and kids will love the interesting format and variety of backgrounds. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____
_____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted every Tuesday. _____ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ 5th Grade English Vocabulary Part 4 in the online public school classroom ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel. ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel link above. ___________________________________________________________________________
Note: Once learned, these vocabulary words are yours forever. Be sure to make an effort to use them often in your school work, presentations, and everyday life. An expanded vocabulary will separate you from the average person, especially at the interview for a job.

2 Views · 8 months ago

6th Grade Vocabulary Test on Part 4 word list is our fourth TEST video in the 6th Grade playlist. Each of these vocabulary lessons has a corresponding test that your students can take.Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend.

__Complete K 12 Essentials Youtube Channel SUBSCRIBE here____

3 Views · 8 months ago

4th Grade Vocabulary words in English defined. Simple definitions and kids will love the interesting format and variety of backgrounds. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____ __________________________________________________________________________ _____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted every Tuesday. _____ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ 4th Grade English Vocabulary Part 4 in the online public school classroom ___________________________________________________________________________ _____ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel. ___________________________________________________________________________ _____ Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel link above.

Answer Key for 4th Grade English vocabulary test on the Part 4 word list.
1. Contact
2. Contribute
3. Convince
4. Correct
5. Course
6. Coward
7. Cruel
8. Curious
9. Customer
10. Damage
11. Dangerous
12. Decorations
13. Decrease
14. Defend
15. Define
16. Delay
17. Deliver
18. Dentist
19. Department
20. Dependable
21. Desire
22. Detention
23. Diagonal
24. Didn't
25. Differ

6 Views · 8 months ago

This introductory video describes the difference between teaching English as a Second Language and teaching English Language Arts, a subject in American public schools. This video is the first in a series about teaching Language Arts to ELLs; video 2 covers teaching reading skills, video 3 covers teaching writing skills, and video 4 covers teaching speaking and listening skills.

3 Views · 8 months ago

4th Grade - English, Language Arts, & Reading
Texas Tech University
TTU K-12

2 Views · 8 months ago

When students explore new words through movement, they understand them better, retain them longer, and feel more empowered to use them.

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Edutopia developed the Making Learning More Playful series with support from The LEGO Foundation (

© 2023 George Lucas Educational Foundation

8 Views · 8 months ago

1st Grade Vocabulary Quiz part 3 word list
online public school by Complete K12 Essentials

1st Grade Vocabulary Quiz part 3. Our online public school provides Vocabulary sight words along with a sentence using the word. In this series, we will offer a quiz for each list which will feature a fill in the blank. We have also added boxes for each letter of the correct word.

Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel linked below.

Please visit our channel to see various grade level materials.

__Complete K 12 Essentials Youtube Channel subscribe here also____

Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel!

2 Views · 8 months ago

5th Grade Vocabulary words in English pronounced, spelled, and defined. Simple definitions and kids will love the interesting format and variety of backgrounds. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____ __________________________________________________________________________ _____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted frequently. _____ _________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ 5th Grade English Vocabulary Part 8 in the online public school classroom ___________________________________________________________________________
_____ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel.
_____ Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel link above. ___________________________________________________________________________
Note: Once learned, these vocabulary words are yours forever. Be sure to make an effort to use them often in your school work, presentations, and everyday life. An expanded vocabulary will separate you from the average person, especially at the interview for a job.

7 Views · 8 months ago

9th Grade Vocabulary words in English pronounced, spelled, and defined. Simple definitions and kids will love the interesting format and variety of backgrounds. Mr. Pencil hosts your public and homeschool classroom learning lessons. _____ Welcome to the Complete K12 Essentials Youtube channel! ____
_____ Please “LIKE” and “SUBSCRIBE” to this channel.______ New videos posted every Tuesday. _____ _________________
_____ 9th Grade English Vocabulary Part 1 in the online public school classroom
_____ NEW : We have introduced interactive worksheets, puzzles, and quizzes on We have quick links to seamlessly move from our website to our Youtube channel.
_____ Additional videos in this series will follow, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and tell
a friend. If you have comments or suggestions on future videos please visit our channel link above.
Complete K12 essentials Youtube channel and Complete K12 was created to offer parents and teachers an online augmentation or alternative when public schools are not available. The need for standard curriculum that can be delivered via the internet became obvious during the pandemic of 2020. Teachers and school districts were left to create lesson plans and somehow connect with the students with very little time. The challenge was to give each child a method to connect with teachers and class mates to simulate a natural learning environment. Although we are still building our library of video lessons, you can use our videos to create lesson plans, review standardized material, introduce building blocks and drills, as well as assigning tests and quizzes on limited videos, such as vocabulary. We are building videos that will serve all students from kindergarten through the 12th grade. Recently launched on June 21st, 2020 our goal is to provide videos that will serve as a resource for those teaching or those looking to cover important standardized curriculum. We believe that access to a solid foundation of knowledge should be available to everyone who chooses to seek it. Many offerings online lean on animation to capture a child’s attention, which to a certain extent works, but they lose interest rapidly and the opportunities for learning are significantly reduced. This is especially true when the child has no obligation to retain the material or accountability to a teacher. Navigating through the material suitable for each grade level is a difficult task at best, so we have created the “SAFE LEARNING PLACE” logo and apply it to all of our videos to show you our dedication to providing good learning material that can be trusted across our whole channel. The curriculum will cover Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Music, Art, Health and Fitness, Foreign Languages, Life Skills, Career training, History and Law.

Other examples from our channel:

1st Grade Math Drills 2’s and 3’s

1st Grade Vocabulary sight word list 3

4th Grade Vocabulary part 1

6th Grade Vocabulary Part 1

6th Grade Vocabulary Part 2

6th Grade Vocabulary TEST on the Part 1 word list

7th Grade Vocabulary Part 1

11th Grade Vocabulary Part 1

12th Grade Vocabulary Part 1

__Preschool Playlist_____

__4th Grade Playlist_____

__6th Grade Playlist_____

Online Public School Education Homeschool Children Kindergarten Preschool Preschoolers Virtual Youtube District Channel County Kids Test VPK Math Language Arts Reading Writing lesson Day Online Public School,

language, lesson plan, classroom vocabulary, English Language arts, Online Public School, Vocabulary, Homeschool, 9th Grade, Reading, English vocabulary sounds, Writing, Parts of Speech, Adverb, Education, Verb Phrase, Language Arts, Ninth grade, Articles, English, Test, Quiz, Learn English, Learning, Kids, Online school, Curriculum, Teach, New, Teacher, Courses, Lessons, Spelling list, Learn, English Teacher, 9th grade lesson plan, 9th grade spelling words, 9th grade vocabulary words,

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